The Heuristic for Hardware Dimensioning Considering Tidal Effect


  • Igor Wenner Silva Falcão Universidade Federal do Pará
  • Rafael Fogarolli Vieira
  • Paulo Henrique Alves Pereira Federal University of Para
  • Marcos Cesar da Rocha Seruffo
  • Diego Lisboa Cardoso Federal University of Para



The increase in the volume of services and applications, in addition to the accelerated growth in wireless access demands, represent significant challenges for the fifth generation (5G) of mobile networks. The daily large-scale migration of people in urban centers is another aspect of impact, as it incurs in the Tidal Effect. It generates natural traffic fluctuation throughout the day and makes it difficult for network dimensioning, control and management, resulting in low efficiency in the use of network resources. Based on data extracted from mobile subscribers' movement in the current network architecture, where a database with New York city geolocation information was used, a heuristic with two provisioning approaches (one based on aggregate throughput and one on the number of connected users) is proposed. This heuristic aims to meet the imminent demands given the physical limitation of hardware resources in future mobile networks. Results point that the network provisioning strategy met the scenario's traffic variability, reducing the number of active antennas by 13\% and the Blocked User Probability by 3.7\%, maximizing the Baseband Unit (BBU) efficiency and quantifying the Small Cells (SCs) needed to meet network demands.


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How to Cite

Falcão, I. W. S., Vieira, R. F., Pereira, P. H. A., Seruffo, M. C. da R., & Cardoso, D. L. (2020). The Heuristic for Hardware Dimensioning Considering Tidal Effect. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 35(1), 311–319.



Regular Papers
Received 2020-05-24
Accepted 2020-10-19
Published 2020-12-03

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