An Introduction to Information Theoretic Learning, Part II: Applications

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Daniel Silva
Denis Fantinato
Janio Canuto
Leonardo Duarte
Aline Neves
Ricardo Suyama
Jugurta Montalvão
Romis Attux


This is the second part of the introductory tutorial about information theoretic learning, which, after the theoretical foundations presented in Part I, now discusses the concepts of correntropy, a new similarity measure derived from the quadratic entropy, and presents example problems where the ITL framework can be successfully applied: dynamic modelling, equalization, independent component analysis and cluster analysis.

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How to Cite
Silva, D., Fantinato, D., Canuto, J., Duarte, L., Neves, A., Suyama, R., … Attux, R. (2016). An Introduction to Information Theoretic Learning, Part II: Applications. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 31(1).
Tutorial Papers