A Private SDR 5G SA Network: An Evaluation of the Quality of Service (QoS) and Computational Resource Allocation for eMBB Slice


  • Jussif Abularach Arnez SIDIA Science and Technological Institute
  • Walmir Acioli E Silva SIDIA Science and Technological Institute
  • Wederson Medeiros Silva SIDIA Science and Technological Institute
  • Renata Kellen Gomes dos Reis SIDIA Science and Technological Institute
  • Arthur Tavares Da Silva SIDIA Science and Technological Institute
  • Caio Bruno Bezerra De Souza Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)




SDR, 5G, SA, gNB, eMBB


—This paper assesses the network performance in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) for the enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB) slicing of a private Stand-Alone (SA) network and a base station, identified as Next-Generation Node B (gNB), which is operating at 3.75GHz and using a Software Defined Radio (SDR) device. The contributions of this work are the evaluation of the computational resource allocation of a private 5G SA and the comparison of the QoS performance of the private SA network with a controlled laboratory testbed and a simulation tool, which is known as UERANSIM (User Equipment and Radio Access Network). Additionally, open-source monitoring systems were used in order to collect memory and CPU usage of the network during the experimentation. For the deployment of the SDR 5G SA gNB, the Universal Radio Software Peripheral (USRP) version B210 equipment was utilized. The results also consider the evaluation of QoS metrics i.e. throughput, jitter, round trip time and propagation delay to assess the performance of the private SDR 5G SA network. 


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Author Biographies

Jussif Abularach Arnez, SIDIA Science and Technological Institute

Jussif Abularach Arnez received his BSc in Engineering in Telecommunications at Universidad Catolica Boliviana San Pablo - La Paz - Bolivia (2010). He concluded his MSc at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC -RJ) in the area of Electrical Engineering and Communications Systems (2014), developing research on Cognitive Radio applicability in the LTE 4G mobile system and the Brazilian Digital TV System (SBTVD ) in the 700 MHz frequency. In 2019, he received his PhD in Propagation and Applied Electromagnetism at PUC-RJ, investigating Cognitive Radio networks through computational simulations and laboratory measurements using MATLAB, Python, and C ++. His research areas of interest are the SIP Kamailio server, Software Defined Radio (SDR) technology, the GNU Radio open-source project, as well as GNU Radio Companion (GRC) simulator in order to virtualize network functions and apply to mobile communication networks. At present, he is a technical specialist at SIDIA Science and Technological Institute in the area of 5G mobile networks and IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS). ORCID: 0000-0002-2786-5237.

Walmir Acioli E Silva, SIDIA Science and Technological Institute

Walmir Acioli E Silva currently is a PhD student by the Postgraduate Program in Electrical Engineering of the Federal University of Amazonas-PPGEE-UFAM. He received his MSc. from the Postgraduate Program in Electrical Engineering of the Federal University of Amazonas-PPGEE-UFAM (2019). He is graduated in Computer Engineering from the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM (2016) and Computer Technician from the Federal Institute of Education of Amazonas - IFAM in 2008. Has experience in Electrical Engineering, focusing on Systems Control and Automation, acting mainly on the following approaches vehicle automation, smart environments and cyber-physical systems. He was a Professor of Technical Education in Automation at FUCAPI when he lectured programming logic subjects, programmable microcontrollers and controllers. He is currently a software developer and researcher at SIDIA Science and Technological Institute working on the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) team with the following roles: R&D; issues analysis, laboratory testing of IMS multimedia services e.g. ViLTE, VoLTE, Wi-Fi Calling (Vowi-Fi), Supplementary Services and Rich Communication Service (RCS). ORCID: 0000-0002-5005-7270.

Wederson Medeiros Silva, SIDIA Science and Technological Institute

Wederson Medeiros Silva received his BSc. in Computer Engineering from the Federal University of Para (2019). He works in the telecommunications area, collaborating with the maintenance of Android software on Samsung appliances based on Latin America’s mobile operator requirements, including
log analysis, issues solutions and benchmark laboratory testing related to IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) and multimedia services e.g. VoLTE, VoWiFi and RCS. In addition to this, he has worked in electronics, robotics and 3D modeling using Linux Ubuntu OS. At present, he is a Software Developer SIDIA Science and Technological Institute. ORCID: 0009-0002-1688-7112. 

Renata Kellen Gomes dos Reis, SIDIA Science and Technological Institute

Renata Kellen Gomes Dos Reis currently is a MSc student in Computer Science at the Informatics Center - CIN of the Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE, acting in the Resource Allocation Research line in
3D/6G 3D networks. In 2022, she received her BSc in Electrical Engineering with emphasis on Telecommunications at the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM. She completed a technical course in the area of telecommunications at the Matias Machline Foundation (2017). He interned at the Sidia Research Institute (2021-2022), currently acts as software developer at SIDIA Science and Technological Institute, where she develops scientific articles on 4G, 5G, IMS, Handover, SIP protocol and laboratory benchmar testbeds. Her research areas of interest are neural networks applied to 4G and 5G mobile  networks. ORCID: 0009-0001-6165-1654

Arthur Tavares Da Silva, SIDIA Science and Technological Institute

Arthur Tavares Da Silva received his BSc in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of Pernambuco (2014) and a postgraduate course in Software Engineering from the Federal Technological University of Parana (2022). Has experience in mobile communications, Android ´ Troubleshooting, IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS), Radio Layer (Ril), as well as testing on mobile devices. In 2015 he worked with RD at Motorola and Samsung , where he worked in the area of mobile software development. At present, he works as a software development coordinator at one of the largest research institutes in Latin America, focused on IMS, managing, analyzing and implementing new features and services related to
these technologies, especially for America Latin mobile operators. ORCID: 0009-0008-1182-0131.

Caio Bruno Bezerra De Souza, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)

Caio Bruno Bezerra De Souza he is a PhD student in Computer Science at the Informatics Center (CIN) from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). In 2023 he received his MSc in Computer Science at the Informatics Center (CIN) from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). In 2020, he received his BSc in Computer Science from the Federal Rural University of Pernambuco (UFRPE) in 2020. His areas of interest are Computer Networks, 5G Networks, URLLC and Wireless Network Virtualization. He worked as
a software developer and researcher at SIDIA Science and Technological Institute in the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) team performing 3GPP Protocol Analysis and Development - IMS VILTE IMPLEMENTATIONS, VOLTE, WI -I Calling (Vowifi), Supplementary Services and RCS. At present,
he is a professor at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE). ORCID: 0000-0002-4187-1078.




How to Cite

Abularach Arnez, J., Acioli E Silva, W., Medeiros Silva, W., Gomes dos Reis, R. K., Tavares Da Silva, A., & Bezerra De Souza, C. B. (2024). A Private SDR 5G SA Network: An Evaluation of the Quality of Service (QoS) and Computational Resource Allocation for eMBB Slice. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 39(1), 178–188. https://doi.org/10.14209/jcis.2024.19
Received 2024-05-03
Accepted 2024-10-11
Published 2024-10-24