Closed-Form Receiver for Multi-Hop MIMO Relay Systems with Tensor Space-Time Coding

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Danilo Sousa Rocha
Gérard Favier
Carlos Alexandre Rolim Fernandes


A multi-hop multi input multi output (MIMO) relay system with tensor coding at the source and relays is proposed in this paper. The tensor of signals received at destination satisfies a high-order nested Tucker decomposition (HONTD), generalizing an existing tensor decomposition. Exploiting this HONTD model allows to derive a closed-form semi-blind receiver for jointly estimating the information symbols and the individual channels. Identifiability conditions and ambiguity relations are derived. Monte Carlo simulation results are provided to evaluate the performance of the proposed receiver in terms of channels and symbols estimation, and the impact of the number of relays is illustrated.

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How to Cite
Rocha, D. S., Favier, G., & Fernandes, C. A. R. (2019). Closed-Form Receiver for Multi-Hop MIMO Relay Systems with Tensor Space-Time Coding. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 34(1), 50–54.