Mirror: IP Multicast for Optical Burst-Switched Networks

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Antônio Jorge G. Abelém
Michael Anthony Stanton


New research perspectives opened up by the combination of IP and WDM technologies present an excellent opportunity for reformulating certain aspects of multicast transmission, bringing them more in line with the needs of future generations of IP internetworking. This paper analyses MIRRORS, which proposes modifications to traditional IP Multicast in order to improve its scalability as a function of the number of simultaneously active groups, as well as making it more appropriate for use in optically switched networks. In this analysis, MIRRORS is compared with other major multicast alternatives, using such parameters as: information state requirements, control overhead, cost of packet forwarding and cost of the multicast distribution tree.


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How to Cite
Abelém, A. J. G., & Stanton, M. A. (2017). Mirror: IP Multicast for Optical Burst-Switched Networks. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 18(2). https://doi.org/10.14209/jcis.2003.29
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Author Biographies

Antônio Jorge G. Abelém, Computer Science Department of the Federal Univeristy of Pará

Antônio Jorge G. Abelém graduated in electrical engineering (electronics option) in 1990 from the Federal University of Pard (UFPA), and master's (in 1994) and doctoral (in 2003) degrees from the
Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio). respectively in Computing Systems and in Computer Networks and Distributed Systems. The title of his doctoral thesis was "Multicast in IP internetworks based on optical networks". He has been a university
teacher in the Computer Science Department at UFPA since 1996, and since 2003 he has also been attached to the postgraduate course in Electrical Engineering (PPGEE) at the same university. He has
also taught postgraduate extension courses at PUC-Rio, UNAMA (Belém) and UFPA. At UFPA he was also responsible for setting up and coordinating this extension programme in the period 1996-1998.
He has acted as a consultant in computer networking for IDESP-PA and for the Brazilian National Research and Education Network, RNP. His areas of interest include computer networking architectures, multicast. optical networks and Quality of Service (QoS)

Michael Anthony Stanton, Computing Institute of the Federal Fluminense University

Michael Anthony Stanton holds BA (1967) and PhD (1971) degrees in matlematics from Trinity College, Cambridge, England. Since 1971 he has held teaching posts at the Aeronautics Technological Institute (ITA) in Sao Jose dos Campos, SP (until 1973), at the Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) between 1973 and 1999, and at the Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) since 1994. At UFF he holds the post of professor of computer
networking in the Computing Institute. He has oriented 29 master's dissertations and 3 doctoral theses, and published almost 100 articles in journals, conference proceedings or as technical notes. Since 2000, he has written over 100 articles published in a regular column, called Virtual Society. which deals with the interactions between information and communications technologies and society, on the website of the media group Estado de São Paulo
(www.estadao.corn.br/tecnologia). Since 1987, he has been greatly involved in the creation of computer networking infrastructure in Brazil, having belonged to the coordinating body of the Brazilian National Research and Education Network. RNP, between 1990 and 1993, and again since 2001. He was also coordinator of the Rio de Janeiro state academic network between 1989 and 1991. Since 2002, he has been on secondment to RNP as Director of Innovation.