Detecting Malicious Packet Dropping Using Traffic Patterns in MANET


  • Rajesh N. Rao Penn State University
  • George Kesidis Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Engineering department, Penn State University.



MANET, Intrusion Detection, Packet Dropping


Ad hoc networks are gaining presence with the proliferation of cheap wireless devices and the need to keep them connected. Individual applications and larger
missions. such as those of tactical sensor networks. require secure data transmission among wireless devices. Security remains a major challenge for such networks. Current protocols employ encryption and authentication techniques for secure message exchange. but given the limitations and
innately insecure nature of ad-hoc networks. such mechanisms may not suffice. A security breach can. for example, be a network-level denial-of-service (DoS) attack, passive eavesdropping, or physical layer jamming to degrade communication channels. In a multihop network, an intruder node can degrade communication quality by simply dropping packets that arc meant to be relayed
(forwarded). The network could then misinterpret the cause of packet loss as congestion instead of malicious activity. In this paper, we suggest that traffic transmission patterns be selected to facilitate verification by a receiver. Such traffic patterns are used in concert with suboptimal MAC that preserves the statistical regularity from hop to hop. This general technique for intrusion detection is therefore suitable for networks that are not bandwidth limited but
have strict security requirements, e.g., certain kinds of tactical sensor networks.


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Author Biographies

Rajesh N. Rao, Penn State University

Rajesh N. Rao received his bachelors degree from BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore University in Electronics and Communication. He got his MS from Penn State University in Electrical Engineering. He is currently a PhD student with Dr. George Kesidis at Penn State University. His area of research is in
mobile ad-hoc networks and includes, energy efficient routing, mobility management of nodes and intrusion detection.

George Kesidis, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Engineering department, Penn State University.

George Kesidis received his M.S. and Ph.D. in EECS from U.C. Berkeley in 1990 and 1992 respectively. He was a professor in the E&CE Dept of the University of Waterloo, Canada, from 1992 to
2000. Since April 2000, he has been an associate professor in both the EE and CS&E Depts of the Pennsylvania State University. In 1999, he took a sabbatical with Nortel Networks, Ottawa, to work,
in particular, on low-complexity traffic measurement and estimation and on bandwidth scheduling for MPLS. In 2001, he was part time member of technical staff at Mahi Networks working on embedding algorithms in the data plane of
their multi-protocol router. In addition to a book on ATM networking. Prof. Kesidis has authored papers on the following topics related to communication networks: effective bandwidths and traffic modeling, quick simulation. traffic multiplexing (scheduling) algorithms, traffic shaping. traffic measurement and
estimation, network resources provisioning for QoS, TCP-friendly active queue management (AQM), network pricing and billing, and modeling and traceback of malicious behavior (network security). His current research also includes the following
problems in wireless ad hoc networking: network selforganization, energy efficient routing, energy efficient medium access control and scheduling, mobility management for sensor networks, and intrusion detection. Currently, he is on the technical
program committees of 2004 IEEE INFOCOM (Hong Kong) and 2004 IEEE ICC (Paris) and he will be TPC co-chair of INFOOCM 2007. George Kesidis is a senior member of the IEEE.




How to Cite

Rao, R. N., & Kesidis, G. (2017). Detecting Malicious Packet Dropping Using Traffic Patterns in MANET. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 18(2).



Regular Papers
Received 2017-11-07
Accepted 2017-11-13
Published 2017-11-14