Correntes Equivalentes de Borda para a Análise da Resposta de Antenas Refletoras Exitadas por Pulso


  • Cássio G. do Rego
  • Flavio J. V. Hasselmann



High-frequency asymptotic formulations for equivalent edge currents [1]–[4] have been reviewed, allowing the identification of fringe and Physical Optics components and the extraction of their inherent singularities as well. The resulting equations for the diffracted field are regular all over the observation space and can be applied in the analysis of reflector antennas either to correct the Physical Optics formulation or to obtain the diffraction field near focal points [5]. In this paper, the refered equations for the radiated field are extended to the time domain using a Fourier inversion and an analytical signal representation. The new temporal formulation thus obtained is validated and has its applicability acessed via the implementation in the solution of the transient response of conventional, circularly symmetric reflector antennas excited by pulsed sources.


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How to Cite

G. do Rego, C., & J. V. Hasselmann, F. (2015). Correntes Equivalentes de Borda para a Análise da Resposta de Antenas Refletoras Exitadas por Pulso. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 21(1).



Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-18
Accepted 2015-06-18