Detectores Multiusuários para DS/CDMA Canceladores de Interferência<br />10.14209/jcis.2001.14

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Taufik Abrao e Paul
Jean E. Jeszensky


This work makes a revision of the main suboptimal multiuser detectors (MUD) for DS-CDMA systems (Direct Sequence -Code Division Multiple Access). In this second part Interference Cancellation detectors (IC) are focused. Within various MUD, IC detectors result in optimum tradeoff performance x complexity, being shown a feasible option in the implementation of cellular systems for third generation (3G); in compensation interference cancellation demands accurate estimation of the channel parameters (received amplitude, delay and phase). Multiuser detectors are capable to operate under the effect of near-far (NFres) and they combat the multiple access interference (MAl), resulting in performance improvement in relation to the Conventional detector.

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How to Cite
Abrao e Paul, T., & E. Jeszensky, J. (2015). Detectores Multiusuários para DS/CDMA Canceladores de Interferência<br />10.14209/jcis.2001.14. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 16(2). Retrieved from
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