D-ARM: A New Proposal for Multi-Dimesional Interconnection Networks<br />10.14209/jcis.1999.9


  • Lee Luan Ling
  • Alberto José Centeno Filho


This paper presents a new topology for multidimensional interconnection networks, namely DARM, which has the goal of simultaneously providing high network transmission capacity and a low information transfer delay. The new D-ARM topology has a connection pattern arranged in alternated regular mesh fashions with toroidal boundaries. Five distinct network attributes, normally used to characterize interconnection network topologies, were employed to analyze the D-ARM topology: the network diameter, bisection width, deflection index, degree of connectivity and symmetry. Also the evaluation of the performance of the D-ARM network through computer simulations was carried out based on the following measures: throughput and information transfer delay. An upper-bound to the network transmission capacity was derived in function of the network dimension (D) and length (W). In order to validate our proposal, as a viable topology among other wellknown topologies, a comparative analysis among D-ARM, MSN and ShuffieNet was performed. The analysis results show that the D-ARM outperforms MSN and ShuffieNet in many aspects and suggest some plausible applications of the D-ARM networks, e.g., broadband switching architectures, multiprocessor connection, high-speed MAN, WDM optical networks and photonic networks.


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How to Cite

Luan Ling, L., & José Centeno Filho, A. (2015). D-ARM: A New Proposal for Multi-Dimesional Interconnection Networks<br />10.14209/jcis.1999.9. Journal of Communication and Information Systems, 14(2). Retrieved from https://jcis.sbrt.org.br/jcis/article/view/221



Regular Papers
Received 2015-06-17
Accepted 2015-06-17
Published 2015-06-17